Hi! Did you know the small folk of Eorzea can't see over most counters and tables?Let me tell you what we're doing about it at the nonprofit Universal Access to CounterTops initiative.

1. Affordable Step Stools for All
We flood the markets with very affordable Lalafellin Step Stools and cap the price at 1000gil or less. Previously, sellers were charging 20k - 60k making it cost prohibitive to provide basic access to counters, desks, tables and workstations for Lalafells and other small folk.We have ongoing operations on the Faerie (Aether) and Coeurl (Crystal) market boards. Additionally, stools on Coeurl can be purchased in front of the Sweep 'N Suds (Goblet W23 P8).At U-Act, we believe everyone should have affordable access to the tops of things.

2. Outreach and Awareness
To raise awareness about accessibility for the small folk of Eorzea, we travel through the housing wards giving away Lalafellin Step Stools and reminding people to keep their small visitors in mind when designing their homes, apartments and Free Company houses.So far we have given away more than 350 step stools.

1. Be Aware and Share
The easiest thing you can do is try to be aware and remember that folk of all sizes inhabit our communities. Being aware of each other and the unique difficulties our differences introduce will naturally lead to a more accessible Eorzea for everyone!Additionally, you can help our outreach efforts by sharing U-Act's message with your friends and Free Company members.
2. Use Accessibility Items
For those looking for a tangible way to help make the world more accessible, we ask that you consider the shortest of us in your housing designs. Using accessibility items like stools, stairs and accessible chairs will ensure that everyone of all sizes can appreciate your designs as intended.Designing with accessibility in mind can turn your beautiful home from great place to see into a great place to be!

3. Help Make Accessibility Affordable
If you desire to get involved, you can help the U-Act initiative by crafting stools or other accessibility items. Every new item that makes Eorzea more accessible for someone is a win in our book.The lumber for a Lalafellin Step Stool can be purchased for a couple hundred gil in any housing ward at the Material Supplier. If you see our stools on the market, feel free to undercut them. We're working to make sure the price of Lalafellin Step Stools never goes above 1000 gil. We would be thrilled if our stools never sold because the market had an abundance of cheaper ones available.

Remember, you can change the world when U-Act!
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Founder: Jay Sit (Faerie)
Director of Faerie Operations: Elsoria Jitelle (Faerie)
Director of Coeurl Operations: Zimzimki Shimizu (Coeurl)